Indigenous-Specific Careers

As an organization, BCMHSUS recognizes that Indigenous employees bring a wealth of living experience and knowledge. Indigenous employees have unique accountabilities beyond their employment and need to be supported to maintain their connections to community and identity.
The unique needs of Indigenous patients, clients, and employees are wholly recognized and supported within BCMHSUS programs. Indigenous care coordinators and Indigenous patient navigators are two of the many roles that make up our interdisciplinary teams at some of the BCMHSUS facilities. Through their lived experience and training, they support Indigenous clients in accessing health care services that meet their care and wellness needs.
Indigenous teams are already making a difference and are welcoming others to join in this journey.
Two of the many roles that make up our interdisciplinary teams supporting Indigenous clients are Indigenous care coordinators and Indigenous patient navigators.
As members of interdisciplinary teams, Indigenous care coordinators promote the empowerment of Indigenous clients in determining their own health care needs, delivering Indigenous wellness programs and walking alongside Indigenous clients during their healing journeys. Indigenous care coordinators are accessed by clients and their families by referral/direct request, at any point during admission.
Indigenous patient navigators collaborate with Indigenous people and their families to ensure access to high quality care that is trauma-informed, culturally safe and free from racism and discrimination. These are unique positions that have been created specifically to ensure that Indigenous clients are supported to navigate Correctional Health Services and offered continued support upon their discharge from provincial correctional centres through the Community Transition Team program.